Canadian Resources
Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition
The Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition/Coalition santé arc-en-ciel Canada (CRHC / CSAC) is a national organization whose objective is to address the various health and wellness issues that people who have sexual and emotional relationships with people of the same gender, or a gender identity that does not conform to the identity assigned to them at birth, encounter.
PFLAG Canada
Information and support for parents, families, friends, co-workers and others. PFLAG chapters are located across BC and Canada. Find contact information on the PFLAG Canada website.
Seniors Pride Network
The Senior Pride Network is committed to promoting appropriate services and a positive, caring environment for older lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer people in Toronto and throughout Canada.
Trans Lifeline: Transgender Suicide Hotline
Trans Lifeline is exclusively for transgender people and staffed entirely by transgender operators. With nearly 60 volunteers working worldwide across many time zones and 350 more signed up for training, it’s the first helpline with this level of specificity.